The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body


Anatomy & Physiology for Attunement Practitioners By Laurence Layne

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The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body looks at traditional anatomy and physiology through the perspective of healing energy. It is both a textbook for practitioners of Attunement, and spiritual healing method, and a deep examination into the spiritual-energetic mechanism behind human form.

The body is merely a machine that is comprised of a handful of chemicals. Or is it? Behind and beyond the obvious physical body that can be examined and dissected by the human mind, there is a powerful, pulsing motivating force called life energy or Spirit. We are human clay, stuff of the earth, but we are also “made in the image and likeness of God.”


An excerpt:

“Attunement is not really a technique; it is a vibrational education. Thus the real Attunement “education” and the “study” of Attunement is the development of perception and the ability to move with the currents of spirit in a vibrational field. Atmosphere is all-important. The atmosphere present between giver and receiver during the sharing of Attunement, the atmosphere conveyed by an Attunement teacher to his or her students, the sense of atmosphere present in an Attunement sanctuary or healing center-all these are the vital link, the true medium of healing in consciousness. Another phrase to describe atmosphere is “energy field,” and another way to talk about this process is that all true healing starts in the energy field.

There are practical things to learn, though. An Attunement practitioner still has to learn the basics of where to hold his or her hands, the art of serving others, the foundational principles and legacy behind Attunements, spiritual and practical “ethics,” and anatomy and physiology, for example. These things have to be present in the mechanism of the “subconscious” mind, or memory, so that as we are working with energy in the moment, the conscious mind can develop a pattern of understanding.

This brings us to the topic of this book, anatomy and physiology. Attunement is unique among the many approaches to healing with energy in the world. The reference or “contact points” the Attunement practitioner is working with relate to bones, organs, glands, tissues, fluids and other anatomical structures. Some knowledge of anatomy and physiology is necessary.

From the first Server’s Training School onward, anatomy and physiology classes were part of the Emissary educational program and a prerequisite to sharing Attunements. This book is a continuation and expansion of that tradition. Herein is an anatomy and physiology course written specifically for Attunement practitioners and students. Also included are the original anatomy and physiology notes used in the Servers Training School, compiled from the first three years of classes by Jim Wellemeyer, a graduate of Palmer School of Chiropractic. Finally, there are appendixes, notes and introductory pieces to flesh out the larger premises and deeper subtleties that are generally missing from books on “healing energy” and conventional anatomy and physiology texts.”

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