New Books Coming in 2019

Several years ago when we first envisioned a web site for books on vitalism and healing, the logistics of developing a web site and navigating the "publish on demand" field were the actions uppermost in our minds. Finding books to publish was not a problem as there are two hundred years’ worth of meaningful choices in alternative medicine. Not to mention our own books written in the last two decades!

This blog will announce a few of our upcoming publications.

Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy

First, a book that has been in the works for a number of years. An enduring source of interest on the Internet is a long out of print book called Hydrochloric Acid and Mineral Therapy by Dr. Walter B. Guy. Originally published in 1934, Dr. Guy's book talked about principles of acid and alkaline and the use of diluted hydrochloric acid in restoring appropriate digestion, and pH in the body for the cure of chronic disease.

This work will be of great interest to many naturopaths, herbalists, nutritionists, acupuncturists, and integrative medical doctors. (Let's not leave out our friends the chiropractors and osteopaths!) The book is clearly written and should be easy to read for the general reader or lay healer also. This will be the first of several books we will publish by Dr. Guy, who was a reformer, inventor, mystic, and vitalist.

The Human Machine and Its Forces

Second is a book much less known than Dr. Guy's, but with a curious history. In British Osteopathy and Polarity Therapy, practitioners have been exposed to the name Dewanchand Varma who wrote a book in 1930 called The Human Machine and Its Forces.

This book also outlines an early form of cross-fiber and neuromuscular therapy that Varma called Pranotherapy, which was a manipulation of the structure of the body to balance prana, the life force mentioned in Yoga and Ayurveda. The book also discusses the principles of Ayurveda, and may be the first book in the West to describe its philosophy. There are also tantalizing details of a meditation technique that may link Varma to the Theosophical Society's Esoteric Section activity in London at the end of the 19th Century.

 Finally, the rationale is presented by Varma as to the vital forces being released by manipulation to the muscle fibers in the neck, an idea that supports upper cervical theory in Chiropractic.

The Rationale of Mesmerism

Speaking of Theosophy, the third book due to be released is a book that was written by one of the core members of the London Theosophical Society in Madame Blavatsky's time. This is The Rationale of Mesmerism by Alfred P. Sinnett, an important book in the history of energy healing.

It will be edited, slightly abridged, and annotated by Laurence Layne. The importance of this book is a literature review of books by and about Franz Anton Mesmer up until 1892, the year of the book's publication. It also traces the development of Mesmer's techniques from their earliest uses to what would be Theosophical healing a hundred years later.

Sinnett touches on principles of energetic anatomy used in Blavatsky's Inner Group teachings, and elucidates the nature of the aura, the psychic aspects of healing, and what happens in a trance state. For students of Wilhelm Reich and his tracing of the "Mesmer, Reichenbach, and Reich" lineage, Sinnett discusses Reichenbach's role as a researcher of vital force, auras, and healing. The style of this book is relatively easy to read for the era it was written.

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Science postulates there are forces holding our universe together. Matter and energy are intertwined, interconnected, and inseparable. We call such forces "energy," whether at the level of the atom, the body of a human being, or a star.

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Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash

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